Dr. Saida Pseunokova
Dr. Saida Pseunokova is a medical professional with over 10+ years of clinical experience.
She is specializing on the treatment of a wide range of acute and chronic conditions with both conventional and integrative approaches, through building a comprehensive treatment strategy including diet, lifestyle changes, nutritional therapy, naturopathic and prescriptive medications.
She is assessing patients through a deep understanding of physiological and biochemical processes of the human body and targeting them instead of silencing the symptoms of the disease.
Dr. Saida completed her training with The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM, USA). Also she did 1-year observership at one of the best Integrative Medicine practices in the USA.
Dr. Saida is passionate about anti-aging medicine.
Anti-aging medicine sees aging as a leading cause of many chronic diseases (like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and different type of cancers) and aim to reduce the risks and even reverse the existing disease. Dr. Saida obtained an additional training with The American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M, USA).r.
General Practitioner & Functional Medicine Doctor
Degrees :
B.Sc. of Medicine, General Medicine
The Institute for Functional Medicine
Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM, USA)
American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M, USA)
DHA- 00193412-002As
Language :
English, Russian
Professional Skills
- Anti-aging medicine: biological age assessment, personalized age-reversing programs.
- DNA Testing
- Longevity medicine
- IV Therapy: Vitamin Infusions
- Gut health (IBS, GERS, liver disorders, IBD, food allergies and food sensitivities, Celiac Disease, Non-celiac gluten sensitivities)
- Endocrine disorders and hormonal imbalances (thyroid disorders, PCOS, hirsutism, adrenal dysfunction, obesity, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome)
- Nutritional deficiencies and nutritional therapy
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Headaches and Migraines
- Metabolic syndrome obtained
- Care for Women
- Men’s health